Sheriff Garrett Durrenberger
9/11/2023 - 9/17/2023
Dispatch received a 911 call about a sinkhole on FM 1624 near Fedor VFD. TxDOT notified.
Deputy checked on an abandoned vehicle Hwy 290 East/CR 237.
Deputy responded to a burn ban violation on FM 141.
Citizen reported her mailbox was moved from the roadway and USPS could not deliver her mail. Deputies made a temporary fix of the mailbox and notified the responsible party to make a permanent repair.
Citizen came in to report a missing person. The man has dementia and hadn't been seen in several hours. All Sheriff's personnel responded and initiated a search of the immediate area on FM 141. The male subject was located a short time later. The man had become entangled in a fence and could not get up from the ground. He was lifted into a patrol truck and taken to the county road to be checked out by LCEMS.
Citizen came to the office to speak with a Deputy about estray livestock.
Deputy made a transport for a mental health consumer to a facility in Georgetown.
Deputy responded to a vehicle unlock in Giddings.
Deputies responded to a welfare check on Hwy 77 South. Report taken.
Deputies and Dime Box VFD responded to a structure fire on FM 141.
Deputy conducted a traffic stop on CR 432. Driver was arrested on an outstanding warrant and was transported to the Lee County Jail without incident.
Deputies responded to an RV park on SH 21 for a report of two subjects turning the lights off and on in the laundry room. Deputies checked the area, but the subjects were gone on arrival.
Deputies responded to a report of a man with a crowbar knocking at a residence. Deputies located an individual changing his tire. Deputies assisted and notified the caller.
Deputies responded to a 911 hang up call on PR 7003. Deputies made contact and advised it was an accidental dial.
Deputies responded to a reported burn ban violation on CR 426.
Deputies responded to a report of a two-vehicle crash on 5th Street in Lexington.
Deputy removed debris from roadway at Hwy 77 North/CR 330.
Caller reported a male subject dressed as an Indian pointing a bow and arrow at Hwy 77 North/CR 415. Deputies patrolled the area but were unable to locate.
Deputy responded to a one vehicle crash vs. deer on FM 696 East.
Deputy responded to CR 411 in regard to estray livestock.
Deputies made a welfare check on an individual asleep on a car on FM 696 East. All okay.
Deputies handled a civil stand-by on CR 430.
Citizen came in to speak with a Deputy to request a close patrol.
Deputies assisted with traffic control for an 18-wheeler on Hwy 77 North that was blocking traffic.
Deputy was flagged down while on patrol and notified of a one vehicle crash on CR 224.
Deputies responded to FM 141 for a disturbance, where a female reported she was run off the roadway. Information taken for report.
Caller reported mail theft on CR 130. Deputy investigated and took a report.
Deputy took an assault report at the Lee County Jail.
Deputy responded to a burn ban violation on CR 122.
Deputies responded to a one vehicle crash on Hwy 77 South.
Deputies, Chief Deputy and Sheriff responded to a report of an oil tank fire on FM 141. Giddings VFD and Lee County EMS were paged for three individuals who were injured.
Deputy checked on suspicious vehicle at a convenience store on SH 21 after midnight. All okay.
Deputy checked on suspicious vehicle at a business on CR 125. It turned out to be an employee who was working late.
Male subject with outstanding warrant surrendered himself at the Lee County Jail and was booked-in by a Deputy.
Deputy spoke with a citizen regarding a child safety issue in Lexington.
Precinct 1 reported vandalism to county property. Deputies investigated and made report.
Deputy checked on an oversized load on Hwy 77 South.
Dispatch received several 911 calls reporting a crash on SH 21/CR 440. Deputies, Dime Box VFD, and LCEMS responded to the scene.
Deputies responded to another crash on SH 21 at the Burleson County line.
Dispatch received report of a downed tree on CR 306. Precinct 3 was contacted.
Deputies, Lexington PD, Lexington VFD, and LCEMS responded to a crash on Hwy 77.
Deputy responded to a burn ban violation on Chisolm Trail.
Deputies responded to a welfare concern in Lincoln involving a juvenile. All okay.
Deputy removed debris from roadway on SH 21 West.
Deputy responded to a burn ban violation on CR 402.
Caller reported she believed someone was outside of her residence on FM 141. Deputies responded and checked the scene. All okay.
Deputies responded to a one vehicle crash on FM 696 near CR 406.
Complainant came in to report a theft of her wallet and jewelry from FM 1697. Deputies investigated and made a report.
Deputies assisted with a crash on Hwy 77/CR 330. TxDOT was called to assist for sand all over the roadway.
Deputies checked on a suspicious person on CR 430. It turned out to be a male subject who had permission to fish on the property.
Deputies responded to a burn ban violation on CR 208.
Motorist reported a stray dog running on roadway at SH 21/Hwy 77 nearly causing a crash. Deputy responded and the animal was taken to the animal shelter.
Deputy responded to County Line Road on a report of a pack of dogs that killed several goats.
Complainant report burglary of her storage unit on Hwy 290 East. Deputies responded to investigate.
Deputies assisted at the scene of a one vehicle crash at SH 21/CR 440.
Deputies investigated a report of a stolen vehicle from CR 449.
Deputies investigated a report of burglary of storage units on CR 405.
Deputies responded to multiple 911 calls from FM 141. A juvenile was playing on the phone.
Deputies responded to a verbal disturbance at a residence on FM 2239. Deputies quelled the matter.
Motorist reported being broken down on Hwy 21 and no luck with roadside assistance. Deputy responded to check on the family and provided caller with local wrecker list.
Deputies took a report of a burglary of a habitation on Gary Street in Lexington. Report made.
Deputies worked traffic control on SH 21 in Lincoln for the 4H fundraiser.
Sheriff and Deputies responded to Lincoln picnic grounds in regard to disorderly conduct. One subject was detained and transported to the Sheriff's Office.
Deputy responded to FM 141 for a burn ban violation.
Deputies responded to FM 2440 to investigate a report of a damaged windshield.
Deputy met with a citizen in Lexington in regard to a minor crash.
Caller reported two suspicious subjects checking mailboxes on CR E. Deputies patrolled the area; however, subjects were gone on arrival. Close patrol in effect.
Dispatch received numerous reports of a male subject in a wheelchair on Hwy 77 south of Lexington. Deputies located the subject who was arrested for public intoxication and transported to the Lee County Jail.
Deputies responded to 14 loose livestock calls and conducted 76 traffic stops for this reporting period.
We were blessed with rain this past week; however, residents may not burn until the burn ban is lifted. Citations have been issued in response to these calls.
Respectfully yours,
Garrett Durrenberger
Sheriff, Lee County