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SHERIFF'S REPORT - MAY 13 to MAY 19, 2024

Date Posted: 05/20/2024
Category: General

Lee County Sheriff's Office badge with American and Texas flags in background.


Sheriff Garrett Durrenberger


5/13/2024 - 5/19/2024



Investigators and Deputies assist with execution of narcotics search warrant on Gruetzner St. in Giddings.

Investigators, Deputies, Constable Pct. 2 assist with execution on narcotics search warrant on CR 230.

Sergeant responded to meet complainant on CR 320 in reference to damaged fence.

Deputy assisted disabled motorist on Hwy 77 North until a wrecker arrived.

Caller from CR 316 reported a stray dog on his porch. Sergeant picked up the dog and transported to shelter.

Sergeant responded to CR 431 to investigate animal cruelty case.



Sergeant met with complainant in Lexington in reference to animal cruelty.

Complainant from CR 430 reported cinderblocks stolen. Deputy responded to investigate.

Motorist reported a suspicious male subject laying on the side of the highway. Deputy located the individual and provided a courtesy ride.



Complainant came to sheriff's office to report phone harassment. Sergeant responded and took information for report.

Investigator traveled to Milam County for warrant service. One male subject arrested and transported to Lee County Jail.

Deputy responded to CR 407 on a report of a stray dog.

Deputies checked on a suspicious silver Cadillac parked at a business on Hwy 77 in Lexington.

Deputies checked on the same vehicle parked at a Church in Lexington.



Sheriff and Deputies assisted with escort of Veteran's Honor Wall to Veteran's Park.

Sheriff and Deputies responded to multiple reports of downed trees and powerlines after the weather event.

Complainant from CR 311 reported reckless driving and mudding. Deputies responded; however, the vehicle was gone upon arrival.

Deputies responded to a disturbance on Gary St.

Sergeant responded to a verbal disturbance on Hwy 290 East.

Complainant from Giddings St. reported someone shot through his window. Deputy responded to investigate and passed information along to Lexington Police.



Sheriff and Investigators assisted Veteran's Association with setting up Honor Wall that was washed out by the storm.

Motorist reported a male subject wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans walking on the roadway on FM 141. Deputy responded to patrol the area but was unable to locate the individual.

Motorist reported water over the bridge on FM 1624 at Yegua Creek. TxDOT notified.

Deputies investigated an assault that occurred at the fairgrounds.

Deputy, Trooper, Park Police, and Lee County EMS responded to Nails Creek Park on a report of a female that had injured herself with a flammable object that exploded.



Sheriff, Captain, and Junior Deputies took part in the Lee County Fair parade.

Deputies made a traffic stop on a reported road rage/reckless driver incident that began on Hwy 290 in Travis County and continued through Bastrop County.

An elderly male subject passed out at the Veteran's program. Sheriff assisted until Lee County EMS and Giddings Police arrived.

Motorist reported a one vehicle rollover crash on Hwy 290 East of FM 180. Deputies, Troopers, Giddings Fire, and Lee County EMS responded to the scene.

Deputies assisted Giddings Police with a disturbance on S. Waco St.

Motorist reported a reckless driver on SH 21 East that was swerving all over the roadway. Deputies and Trooper located the white van and made a traffic stop that resulted in an arrest for driving while intoxicated with child passengers. Four children were transported to the sheriff's office and released to family members.

Deputies investigated an assault at the fairgrounds.

Complainant on Deer Wood reported loud music. Deputy responded and met with the source.

Complainant on Trailside Dr. reported rapid gunfire. Deputy responded and met with the source.



Complainant called from the Fairgrounds to report that her driver's side window was shattered while parked at the charcoal challenge. Deputy responded to investigate and take report.

Deputies responded with Lee County EMS to an address on FM 180.

Deputy met with a complainant in the lobby in regard to an assault that occurred last week. Information taken for report.

Motorist reported a vehicle parked at SH 21/FM 3403 with heavy front end damage. Deputy responded and met with the driver, who had hit a deer.

Complainant stopped by the sheriff's office to drop off a license plate that was found on CR 136.

Deputies assisted with a funeral escort from the Bateman Center.

Deputies assisted Lexington Police with warrant service at a convenience store in Lexington. One subject was arrested and transported to Lee County Jail.

Deputy responded to a civil standby at a residence on Live Oak St.

Lee County Deputies responded to numerous loose livestock calls, removed debris from roadways, and made 84 traffic stops for this reporting period.


Respectfully yours,

Garrett Durrenberger

Sheriff, Lee County